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Member Since:Mar 30, 2010
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Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on abhishek.ramgiri's review
hey buddy, such product given as gift can also carry warranty card. What is the fuss in that. You sounds more from IFB.
Rated on maxwellferns's review
Commented on sunilshar's review
Hey I too had experienced the same problem with my Onida color TV. They could not diagnose the fault. They tried to change the entire circuit board, but the board itself was not available. Whereas the product was just 4 yrs old. After 1 month of constant follow up with customer care, I had dump the Read More...
Commented on maxwellferns's review
You are so true. People should avoid Onida product. There after sale support system is pathetic. I too, have experienced the same with Onida Color TV.
Commented on tomtillo's review
Hey, you said quite right. Customer care and after sale service is real poor with Onida. I burnt my hand too by buying Onida Color TV. I have dumped the TV after 4 years and bought Sony. The circuit board of the TV had developed some problem and follow up with Onida had not fetched any results. I ha Read More...
Rated on tomtillo's review
Followed gotoharry
Commented on gotoharry's review
Hey GotoHarry, your analysis on Petrol and Diesel cost is great. Just wanted to know if Diesel car need more maintenance than petrol. I am planning for new Figo, yet to decide on Petrol or Diesel. Your comment would help me in my decision.
Rated on MRVS's review
Followed MRVS
Commented on CaptainSlow's review
Hi Captain Please write your views on the DTE feature in your new Figo. Does the car has Trip meter and child lock in the rear door. How is dual tone horn and what is all about programmable key. How is the pickup of the car on Highway. What was the max speed you could able to reach without push Read More...
Followed CaptainSlow
Congrats Captain. Good review indeed. Please comment on the acceleration part of your new Figo when you switch on AC. Is there any power loss feeling. Since the AC is quite heavy, I would like to know this. I am also planning to go for new CAR, did test drive of Estilo with K-Series engine, whic Read More...
Rated on CaptainSlow's review
Commented on tejasjp's review
I would say, being in social network, we should help each other irrespective of platform... Please find my comment below on your enquiry 1. Ford Figo : Good car, space wise you can get a lot. Road test reviews so far is good. Diesel is having good punch in terms of acceralation and peppy drivi Read More...
Commented on n1050153's review
You are quite right. Ojjas Enterprises is a crook and in not ethical busniess. Everyone should know that this vendor never deliver the product that he list on the various website such as Rediff. This vendor should be banned by online shoppers. I too had been delivered a defective product and a produ Read More...
Posted the comment above. Plz find the same. It was duplicate entry somehow. Deleted.
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Prasanna Dommu (@POBox5843MouthShut Verified Member)
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