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Member Since:Apr 26, 2009
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Bully Flipkart
Reviewed Flipkart
Beware of buying just by seeing the product at flipkart. If you are not satisfied they will not take the product back, they will only replace with same producRead more...
Why I am not recommending to buy Innova???
Reviewed Toyota Innova
Its really strange to know that although Innova is a great vehicle to ride, its maintanance cost is very high. After 10, 000 KMs servicing costs more than Rs.Read more...
WARNING:Don't buy even if they pay you money
Reviewed Pureit Water Purifier
First thing a glass doesnt fit below the dispenser. After filling with water do not try to move it. Its weak plastic will collapse. There national No. iRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Rated on abbhym's review
Commented on abbhym's review
I like that it sure is flopkart. They should learn from YEBHI.com
Rated on Stay_Anonymous's review
Rated on sabikhi's review
Rated on bhatitsme's review
Commented on deepak27's review
Deepak Ji, Its a good review. But sadly I have none of these issues with dominos, instead I have other issues. strike one!-Location: Its infact is not Dominos fault although it seems that they don't occasionally inspect the outlet as they should be being a world class company. The menu card have Read More...
Rated on RAJESH.SINHA's review
Commented on RAJESH.SINHA's review
you are one lucky man dear. my son is still suffering for my decision to buy pureit. I but bisleri for him every alternate day Rs.70 for 20 ltrs. If you care about your children then stop using pureit use some better product. I wish your family a good health
Rated on arraman1's review
Rated on sbanerjee1972's review
Rated on rakesh1969's review
Rated on jitinsachdeva's review
Rated on parshantkapoor80's review
Rated on Pablom's review
Commented on Pablom's review
Its strange to hear bad reviews about Jetta here. at team-bhp all are giving positive feedbacks about Jetta. Even after more than 6 months of driving. This review looks more of personal kind.
Commented on own review
Azhar, Thanks for your reply. How old is your Innova? How many KMs it has run so far? Thanks.
Rated on ssujesh's review
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