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Member Since:Feb 24, 2004
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Cool guy me. Soccer and cricket
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Education: 12th
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Bangalore is all hype...
Reviewed Bangalore
I would have never written this review if I hadnt come across Chennai bashing in almost every Bangaloreans review. What do u guys have against us ChennaRead more...
Yuva and Aaytha Ezhuthu Movie review
Reviewed Yuva - Tamil
Ok dont want this review to be up here as I have decided to be on the offensive....I will put the review back when the dust settles..... ... ................Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on own review
of the Christian era. The Tholkappiyam, in fact, was written at this time. So even if Tamil is not the original parent language, it is the oldest of all surviving Dravidian languages. Let Kannadigas accept that as a reality and learn to live with it. Well I think that Kannada too should be made a Read More...
9) Pay scale - A recent article in Economic times ranks Chennai behind Bombay and Delhi for highest pay scales. Bangalore comes after Calcutta and is slightly ahead of Hyderabad. Dunno where ya came up with the facts that Bangalore is ahead of Chennai when it comes to the pay scale. 10) Rock mus Read More...
Man...if brains were TNT, u wudnt have enuff to blow ur hat off. Even a child would analyse things better. 1) Climate - Bangalore wins and no questions raised. 2) Language - Language serves as a country's identity. Unfortunately Bangalore has no such identity. And u think a place where people Read More...
Rated on shruthi's review
Rated on praveen_gk's review
Rated on diver's review
Thanks for your comments amithbn. That was a welcome refresh from the comments I was hoping to recieve. I just read Amrita's review and I also just checked the comments section in her review. There I searched for the words 'Chennai' and hey presto I find 5 occurences and all in negative light. Amrit Read More...
Naana aarambikkale. They asked for it. I was just googling Bangalore and came across some MouthShut reviews. And all of the reviewers had something negative to say about Chennai. What the hell? Why do they have to degrade Chennai to make Bangalore look better? Pissed me off to no ends. Adhaan konjam Read More...
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Rated on Foolosophical's review
Rated on mrutyunjay's review
Rated on nmanoj's review
Rated on Alok_Sr's review
Followed shreya_s_wins
Rated on yesanplz's review
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