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Member Since:Jul 15, 2003
0 MS Points
. Interior design, architecture, space planning, commercial/retail/restaurant design, set design, art, furniture, history, health, alternative medicine, social work, grassroots, non-profit, sushi, cats, travel, wine, microbrews, snorkel and scuba, swimming in the ocean, grilling out, breakfast for dinner, blueberry pancakes, white water rafting, reading, Fat Tire Amber Ale, New Belgium Brewery
About Me
Education: Two Bachelor Degrees
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A Crowning Glory
Reviewed VO5 Hot Oil Hair Treatment
I stockpile VO5 hot oil treatment and use it weekly for the amazing shine it gives my hair. It literally transforms my lifeless, dull hair into a shiny crowniRead more...
Love London
Reviewed London
In March of 2003 my best friend and I travelled to London for approximately 9 days. We intended to stay in London for only six days and then travel outside ofRead more...
Reviewed British Airways
I flew from Chicago to London in March, 2003 on British Airways. First of all, I was surprised that when we checked in at the airport, the attendants were apoRead more...
Sin City!
Reviewed Nevada
I must admit, I never thought I would like Las Vegas but after one trip I was hooked. Ive been a total of three times and I LOVE it! There is something Read more...
Brunettes Beware!
Reviewed Aveda Camomile Shampoo
I was skeptical to begin with when my hair stylist sold me this shampoo. Are you sure I should use this? It says it is for blondes and lighter shaRead more...
Buy one for every purse!
Reviewed Revlon Lip Makeup
It is Saturday night and 5 minutes until date time. You reach for that perfect shade of lipstick to make your look complete. Two hours later you sneak off to Read more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Rated on johanas's review
Rated on ashford's review
Rated on Cousin2's review
Commented on Cousin2's review
I was planning on taking a trip down to Santa Fe this fall, but after reading your review I am thinking of adding Albequrque to the itenerary. Unfortunately I don't have 7 days to spend because this will just be a weekend getaway from Colorado. Great review!
Followed spookaay , meleahk1
Rated on meleahk1's review
Rated on spookaay's review
Commented on spookaay's review
I think beauty contests were created as a method of population control...they figured that the with all the cat fighting and backstabbing that goes on among these blood thirsty competitive women out to win a cubic zirconium crown, they would eventually kill each other off.
Reading your review gave me goose bumps! It really took me back to the nostalgia of the show...the memories, all the old feelings. I was in junior high at the time the show was on and oddly enough, the story lines, although in totally different time periods, related a lot to my life! Thanks fo Read More...
Rated on rakvg's review
Rated on tinakapoor's review
Commented on ashford's review
I first started drinking Baileys when I was an exchange student in Spain in high school. There really isn't a drinking age there which was certainly enticing to my sixteen year-old mentality. However, I didn't like the taste of alcohol much at the time so the entire year all I ever ordered when I w Read More...
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