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Member Since:Apr 20, 2003
0 MS Points
I'm a university graduate with a major in English Lit. I've got a wide range of interests including Bollywood movies and horror movies. In fact, I might as well just say that I'm a film buff all around. I also enjoy books about metaphysics, the occult...and gothic literature. And don't get me started on music. Anything from Aine Minogue to R. D. Burman. One might find a number of weird collections in my home. For instance, take my Kathlyn Williams memorabilia or my Socialist musical film collection. Blah, blah, blah, blah... Would you actually believe that I'm an incredibly quiet (but hopefully not boring) type in person? I plan to post some reviews soon. Oh! Way too many different things to list them all here. It may sound funny, but sometimes I wish I could focus in on one thing instead of being curious about all these diverse things. It's a blessing and a curse!
About Me
Education: BA
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Ruh-oh! No secrets to share.
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sonal_neo's review
I enjoyed your review. Amusing in a lot a places. Other things that bothered me about this train wreck were the deriative scenes that bordered on plagarism. What was with that West Side Story ripoff?
Rated on sonal_neo's review
Rated on rainsroses's review
Rated on suyog's review
Commented on premjit's review
And I thought I was the only one who disliked this movie. I think your review is on the mark. Generally I like Shahrukh Khan, but this was not one of his better films. I honestly don't understand why Kuch Kuch... became such a huge hit. Alisa
Commented on iamthewalrus's review
Fiza certainly is an unusual type of movie for Bollywood. I think you made a lot of interesting points. I too thought the disco scene was jarring. Also, the 'training' scene was wholly unnecessary. It disturbed the plot flow in an otherwise really fine film.
Rated on iamthewalrus's review
Commented on pedanticscholar's review
Well, I have to agree with your comment on the odd sound effects in this film. Or rather, one particular sound effect. You probably know which one I mean. It sounds like a really obnoxious child's toy, and the use of it was peppered throughout the film. Any tension a scene might have garnered o Read More...
Rated on mouthshutdotcom's review
Rated on pedanticscholar's review
Commented on suprerna's review
I'm giving you feedback, (belatedly I might add) since I only just discovered how much I enjoy Bollywood movies. While I think most of your points have merit, I get the feeling that I enjoyed this film a bit more than you. I loved the songs and really enjoyed Anil Kapoor's performance. He's proba Read More...
Rated on suprerna's review
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