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Member Since:Mar 20, 2003
0 MS Points
Still trying to give myself an identity.. An automobile enthusiast, loves riding motorcycles.
About Me
Education: Graduate
Food and Drinks: Indian FoodBooks: Some famous personality's biography.Movie Stars: All comedians.Movies: All comedy movies.T.V. Shows: News and automobile shows.Music: Soft rock.Quotes: ''Focus on your potential instead of your limitations''
Food and Drinks: Indian Food
Books: Some famous personality's biography.
Movie Stars: All comedians.
Movies: All comedy movies.
T.V. Shows: News and automobile shows.
Music: Soft rock.
Quotes: ''Focus on your potential instead of your limitations''
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Entry level true music phone.
Reviewed Nokia 5220 XpressMusic
I am back with another cell phone review, this is my 8th review on Mouthshut. Few days back I was looking to replace my good old workhorse Nokia 3110 classicRead more...
At last a good phone from LG
Reviewed LG Dynamite KG 195
Last week I plan to buy a decent mobile phone for one of my family member. I was looking for phone which has expandable memory, camera was not my requirement Read more...
Simple yet powerful
Reviewed Nokia 3110 Classic
Hi, Nearly 5 months back I replaced my not too old Sony Ericsson K310i with Nokia 3110c after doing lot of research. I used to hate Nokia before buying this Read more...
New CBF150 rider : Updated 17/11/07
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
I am back after very long break. I am automobile enthusiast and keep my eyes on each and every detail of each bike available in india. A month back I decidedRead more...
Reviewed Motorola C168
Hi, I bought this mobile 2 days ago at Rs.2950 INR (around USD $65) in India. My initial experience as follows: Pros: Very good screen for this class works Read more...
One little secret that makes a big difference!!
Reviewed Bajaj Wind 125
Hi guys, there is one secret that I want to tell you about Wind 125. Everybody used to think that Wind 125 looks like Caliber 115, but.......reality is that CRead more...
Worst thing in Indian communication history
Reviewed BSNL CellOne / Excel Mobile Operator
First of all let me tell you that BSNL is the only tele communication company in the world where customer has to make them (BSNL Staff) understand what BSNL iRead more...
Lacks the perfection
Reviewed Autocar India
I am automobile enthusiast and buy automobile magazines since the time of Indian Auto in early 90s. Since that I have read every indian automobile magazRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Rated on grazd's review
Rated on ani4u's review
Rated on khushal_dave's review
Rated on madhu322's review
Commented on solo-man's review
I disagree on some points pointed out by you: > You said no description about TV out on the outside of box - see backside of the box, there is a sticker mentioning NO TV Out Feature supported by this device. > GPS uses GPRS - Yes it is called AGPS, which is a standard in all GPS equ Read More...
Rated on ashok8008's review
Rated on bharath.blore's review
Rated on anjareth's review
Rated on jazzguitarist's review
Rated on s8505's review
Commented on antonygeorge's review
Agreed but even that old monoshock setup is still good enough than twin springs. Just go in past in the year 2004 and tell me how many makers were providing monoshock? Honda atleast started a trend, no matter with basic setup but at that time this was enough.
Commented on pal_number's review
On this July 27th new Discover 100cc is coming up, great package. 100cc/5 Gears/Gas Shocks/Elec Start/LED Tail Lamp/Pilot Lamps and much more. Prices around Rs.40000/- & mileage in real conditions is around 80-90 kmpl.
Commented on sollydj's review
Bike is still running strong even after crossing 2,00,000 kms, isn't this complement for Uni? Can't expect more from bike.
Rated on sollydj's review
Rated on kiran36524's review
Commented on subhojit009's review
I vote for Unicorn, but since there is only one Service centre than you should stay away from it. If you find Xtreme flashy and want only Honda machine then why dont you try Hunk?? Very good machine, and will suit to your height.
Rated on hrmn's review
Rated on Dippu1's review
Rated on rk_mir's review
Rated on csemahesh's review
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