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Member Since:Jul 27, 2007
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The car ......
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Alto K10 LXi
03.09.09 Hi! This is my latest updation on my ALTO. Recently we all went to Thiruvannamalai(165kms from Chennai). After temple visit, we are returning to cRead more...
WagonR Duo Vs Alto Lxi
Reviewed Maruti Suzuki Wagon R Duo
After a mileage of 36000 kms in 15 months in my previous ALTO Lxi, I have switched to WagonR Duo, for Better mileage & comfort. Here is the comparision. ComfRead more...
Zeus- A different bike in style & Cost
Reviewed Suzuki Zeus 125 cc
After serious and series of study on bikes, I have shortlisted Discover 135, Yamaha Gladiator 125 & Zeus 125. For extra cost & old looks (like old pulzar), DRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on sudhikr's review
Very good, informative, unbiased and straight to the points of + & -ves. Happy motoring in your new car... could you suggest H9 of Xylo or Force one...which is better
Commented on vikasutreja's review
Beautiful narration in a neutral stand. However the comparision will be more interesting by June 2009, when FIAT introduces Grand Punto
Rated on stockanalyst's review
Commented on kameshmathur's review
Very Good review Mr Kamesh! Keep smiling and have safe driving
Rated on kameshmathur's review
Commented on bala281's review
Sure this review is one of the best unbiased auto-review. Keep writing..
Rated on bala281's review
Commented on vj50222's review
As for as sales is concerned, definetely INDUS is better than others, but for after-sales-service they have to go long way. When sales & after-sales-service is combined and overlooked, then KHIVRAJ is the best. Rest of the dealers are good for corporate sales and economically not friendly for i Read More...
Commented on subhasish.jena's review
A worthy review about an automobile product in MS. Thanks
Commented on nanu4u's review
hi! That 'thud thud ' noise on cement roads is not because of vehicles, it is because of the methodology adopted while constructing the concrete road. It must be laid in portions of 10m x 3m. Alternative portions in same day and remaining in another day to avoid expansion joint cracks. That noi Read More...
Commented on munnarguide's review
Also see my review in WagonR Duo Vs Alto Lxi in wagonR Duo section. From my view, Alto Lxi is far better than WagonR Duo
Commented on rajivahlawat's review
This review is biased and not on real experiences.. One step ahead than any hyundai rep
Commented on dhananjayap's review
Review is as beautiful as the place of visit. Thanx.
Commented on sudhirkjha's review
The world's worst customer support team is that of whirlpool. All the tough work done by Whirlpool production department goes waste becasue of this pure nonsenece (so called ) company service engineers. Better Whirlpool first wash its service department before selling another machine to poor fated Read More...
Rated on RohanP's review
Rated on lionel733's review
Commented on lionel733's review
Too theoratical in translating ur experience. Even after riding for one hour @ 105kmph, economical milage is not possible or reasonable to trust.
Commented on abhi40321's review
No doubt that this is a refined and unbaised review on stile
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