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Member Since:Mar 31, 2012
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Struggling for the response from Letsbuy
Reviewed LetsBuy
I WOULD RECCOMEND PEOPLE TO NEVER BUY ANYTHING FROM LETSBUY.COM. In India fraud company like Letsbuy.com creates such impression that people wont prefeRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on
Dear Friends, Take pain to go to the store instead of buying online store. Do not get attracted by viewing offers on website. Review customers review on google or any search engine. Never trust reviews posted in the sellers website. They have their own team to post good reviews to attract customer Read More...
Commented on suresh4everyone's review
Commented on neesain's review
Dear Friend, Take pain to go to the store instead of buying online store. Do not get attracted by viewing offers on website. Review customers review on google or any search engine. Never trust reviews posted in the sellers website. They have their own team to post good reviews to attract customer. Read More...
Rated on neesain's review
Commented on jeev_amu's review
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Commented on udmux's review
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Commented on own review
Letsbuy automated mail I get such ’COPY and PASTE’ replies several times from Letsbuy but they never turned up with the solution neither they respond my email after that. I beleive they just send automated mail to justify that they responded.
IMPACT:Nobody was responding from Letsbuy but after I posted the review about the Lestbuy.com, within one hour I received a call from a customer care, named Monalisa. She assured me that she will get back to me with the positive response by evening. Nobody turned up yet. I think they just maintain t Read More...
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