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Member Since:Nov 08, 2004
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Education: B.TECH
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Good packers and movers service
Reviewed Globe Packers
I am a regular reader of mouthshut but too lazy to put a review. So the review count till now is only 3. There are lots of reviews about the bad services of tRead more...
Standard chartered very unstandard
Reviewed Standard Chartered Bank
I am very frustrated today thinking that why most of the banks in India cant provide good customer service to there customers or stop telling lies to miRead more...
Discover 125cc with self start
Reviewed Bajaj Discover 100
I got my bike on 29th July 2005 which is my birthday also. The onroad price was 49500.00 at that time in Bangalore and for the wax polish I paid 500.00. The gRead more...
Hutch is worst
Reviewed Vodafone Mobile Operator
For hutch postpaid service in bangalore only Good news.If anyone has a corporate connection and has some complaints better mail it to corpcare.kar@hutchindiaRead more...
The Captain’s Shield Passes On
Reviewed Captain America: Brave New World
When I sat down to watch Captain America: Brave New World, I wasn’t sure what to expect. As the fourth installment in the Captain America series and the 35th Read more...
Commented on johny23's review
Ok here is our typical Indian mentality. The guy has written such a nice and helpful review and the see the first three comments. Ok let him be mistaken yaar, may be he doesn't know. He has written the review not for himself, but for us. Please ignore this one small mistake. What is the bad habit yo Read More...
Rated on johny23's review
Rated on getsandeep's review
Commented on deepak79's review
The best way to tackle them is first ask there name and post and then say that I am going to complain to police as it is illegal to intimidate anybody to pay the balance amount. With so many recent cases of forceful recovery of dues by the banks even the police is symphathetic towards us.
Commented on keepwalking's review
The banks are always quick in increasing the rate every time RBI increases it from immediate effect and never decrease it when RBI reduces it. Even when they reduce it it can be done in only 4 times in a year. SO if they decerase the rate in januray it will be applicable only from Februaury. Now eve Read More...
Rated on shimjitk's review
Commented on shimjitk's review
The banking obdusdmen is created in such a way that it is in favour of the banks most of the time. If you make a complaint to them and the bank replies that you have not cleared your dues it will close the case without any investigations and ask you to make the payment. Better get it cleared with th Read More...
Commented on EBSKSP's review
This happens with a lot of banks. I have heard many times from these agents when they tell me that i came to your house but you were not there. They expect us to be at house at whatever time they want to come. One guy was great. he told me that he will come to my house at 1.00 PM and i told him to e Read More...
Commented on natrajr.83's review
yes, if you inform them in the advance that you are paying only the minimum payment due means that you are only paying the interest and the principal remains the same. You can pay the outstanding by way of cheque or online if possible.
Rated on Ritik_Dodhiwala's review
Rated on mahanag's review
Commented on sandii5's review
Ha ha ha is joker ko kisne comment karne ke liye bola
Rated on ipspati's review
Commented on rchidana's review
F*** man . What are this doctors doing. Are they doctors or butchers.
Commented on palakmhs's review
Yes , thats the matter. You are happy and say it is good only because you dont have any problem. The real customer service will come when you face some problem and then they will show you there real face.
Commented on invk's review
Ganesh.Powar this is not really about the 5 rs difference. This is about the AD that the tata sky is showing in the TV about the reduced rates. And i dont think you know how the AD came about. They wanted to pay less money to ESPN, STAR SPORTS for there channels when they said now, they removed ther Read More...
Commented on balwant_bisht's review
never trust the AD to get anything. please read the reviews and then chhose what you want. Shahrukh and Aamir only look at the amount of money they are getting and not the service record
Commented on genuinely_honest's review
This true, Till everything is working fine everything is fine. Once you face any problem you will know the real face of them.
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