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Member Since:Oct 02, 2004
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Education: Commerce
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Rock On!! is Bang On
Reviewed Rock On
Call it a musical or a friendship saga; Rock On!! is bang on. Rock on seemingly blends life of four aspiring musicians (Rocksters would be a better term) & hoRead more...
Reasons to build & break a wall
Reviewed Parineeta
Sarkar babu, I need to ask a question? What were you trying to do in the name of God!!!!!!!!!!!! I must admit, I went in with a lot of expectations. BelieveRead more...
The door finally opened
Reviewed Chandramukhi - Tamil
So here you go. Its superstar time. For whatever anybody says let me tell you I just love to watch a Rajni movie. Reason:- Simple - Pure entertainment even ifRead more...
Reviewed The Polar Express
“ Sometimes the most real things in this world are the things we cannot see”. That pretty much sums up this breathtaking animated wonder (if I canRead more...
Cupid's arrow-- BrOkEn --\/\/^
Reviewed Kaadhal
If you had asked me a month back, would you see Kadhal, I would have said, You must be kidding buddy?? After lot of deliberations and a situation Read more...
Educating Cinema
Reviewed Swades
Cinema is definitely entertainment. Everybody wants to have a nice time at the theatre, have some popcorn & chill out. But, why not for a change go in for a tRead more...
Truly Lajawab
Reviewed The Incredibles
The biggest + and- for an animation film are the characters. The depressing fact is that you know they are notRead more...
Reviewed Virendra Sehwag
With the kind of game Sehwag plays, Don Bradman would perhaps have said,? This Guy shouldn?t last for even four deliveries?. But somehow Sehwag manages and hoRead more...
Reviewed Five Worst Cricket Commentators
Hello folks. Welcome to award giving ceremony of the worst commentators. Well, Applications have poured in from all quarters with special mention to the sub-cRead more...
Reviewed Swades Songs
Anticipation & expectation are sometimes very frustrating. What is going to happen? Will it be good? But when it comes to A.R.Rahman a sense of quality steps Read more...
Reviewed Five Best Films of Mani Ratnam
Talking about Mani Rathnam, a sense of Elation and frustration grips me. Frustration because he makes one movie in about two years and elation because its worRead more...
Reviewed The Sound Of Music
As a serious music buff I was very interested to check out The sound of Music?. The previous generation has praised and hailed it as a classic. IRead more...
Reviewed 7G Rainbow Colony
After a gap of more than two years, Selvaraghavan returns with his new offering 7G Rainbow colony?. Sounds different, eh? It is. But 7 G Read more...
Asathoma Sadgamaya...
Reviewed Matrix Revolutions
This is a possibly the best sci-fi movie of all time. Everything in it is great and beyond comparison and the only thing few people have against it is the comRead more...
Pitches & the Indian batting
Reviewed Cricket
Well,well,well. The issue is up again. Guess what the Aussies are talking. This looks a turner from Day 1. Well,the answer in typical Aussie fashion is , You Read more...
Krishna Cottage-Hmm......
Reviewed Jaya TV
There used to be a time when DD used to bring out serials, which not only had good content but also good entertainment. What was the secret? Well DD was the oRead more...
Gandhi-Beyond Entertainment
Reviewed Gandhi
How can I rate a film, which is nothing short of a masterpiece? I have my own apprehensions but I would do it anyway. In short Richard Attenborough has createRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
Commented on CilemaSnob's review
Fabulous review. Do read my review. Hope u wud like it. Cheers Ganesh
Commented on srininet1's review
Commendable review. The perfect review for this movie. Wish Shankar makes a better movie in 'Robot' - His dream project.
A great movie. I dont agree your view point on Kaakha Kaakha. I felt that was a equally fabulous picture. The Editing, Music & Photography were superlative in this movie. I thought the review could have included Daniel Balaji's name. Amazing performance as the bad guy. Kamal's was a masterclass.
A great review. The movie i felt was a bit slow. I felt Amitabh overacted a little bit. The music was fabulous.
Commented on Faerie's review
Not seen the movie but heard that its a wonderful story. Now that ISO herself has recommended,its def worth a read. Cheers Ganesh
nice collection.Lovely songs. Keep writing Cheers Ganesh
Rated on mskhetan's review
Well written review.Nice & elaborate.U have atlast touched upon the technical aspects. But gimme a break. This movie is definitely not a work of art.It's not that I dont like subtle romantic films,but...... this one was way too melodramatic.I've just panned this movie badly in my review. check Read More...
Commented on own review
Hi Pal What is subtle & romantic to you is slow & boring to me. Its not that I go 4 rash rush movies & pan movies such as swades or parineeta. This is my perspective & my own. I loved swades. It moved at an even slower pace but the way it was taken was brilliant. We need to learn the art o Read More...
'What has a classic, by the way, to do with a language. It is a classic not because of the language it is written in, but because it has transcend the constraints of time and language.'- Cant agree with you more, but as i've already said is'nt it really boring to watch just bengali classics( I'm not Read More...
Hi rohit, Parineeta made for the 4th time!!!!!!! I thought 2 times & I guess one was made by the the gr8 Bimal Roy. Is it really worth it? ' Getting out of bengali mould' - By saying that I mean there are other classics to explore. By concentrating on bengali classics alone , film watching Read More...
Hi , This is my perspective of what I saw. I've seen a lot of slow movies which were interesting( 3 deewarein,lakshya,swades which were brilliant). This one was way too much to fathom. Too much melodrama. I think the adaptation is not good enough. Sometimes its better to let the classic be itself Read More...
Commented on varungrover's review
I echo ur sentiments.Too much melodrama & very hard to digest. I just dont find it a classic. Cheers Ganesh
Commented on darethisdevil's review
Now thats something very necessary. I'm speaking like a true bachelor here. Fabulous revu Cheers Ganesh
Rated on darethisdevil's review
Commented on manoj101's review
Hi manoj, Wonderful revu & nice innovative style as well. Cheers Ganesh
Commented on nikamma1112's review
ROFL LOL NO words. One good pro in the movie was its photography by Ashok Mehta. Cheers Ganesh
Followed nikamma1112
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Akhil Gupta (@nobrokerMouthShut Verified Member)