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Member Since:Feb 08, 2008
0 MS Points
I live my life to the fullest,Straight forward ,witty , self confident & motivated and a good analyst with a knack to put my best in all situations of my life.I am my best critic.I live by the ideology of live and let live.Respecting others decision as every one has the right to be self decisive.I am highly self motivated. For me its not what we are but How we are that matters a lot.Attitude is the most integral part of one's successful life.I always try to take my own wise decision and I always stand up for them. Well thats too much of I & me :)
About Me
Education: MBA(IT)
Food and Drinks: anything deliciousBooks: self help , soul searchingMovie Stars: Tom Hanks,Amir Khan,Kamal Hasan,Preity Zinta,Jothika,Charlize TheronMovies: All above star's flicksMusic: Hard Rock,Classic Rock,Psychedlic Rock,Rythm & BluesQuotes: Rock your life as hard as you can.After all its a one time offer.
Food and Drinks: anything delicious
Books: self help , soul searching
Movie Stars: Tom Hanks,Amir Khan,Kamal Hasan,Preity Zinta,Jothika,Charlize Theron
Movies: All above star's flicks
Music: Hard Rock,Classic Rock,Psychedlic Rock,Rythm & Blues
Quotes: Rock your life as hard as you can.After all its a one time offer.
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The Connection That Should Be
Reviewed Airtel Broadband
Writing this review after 2+ months of usage. After relocating to Bangalore from Hyderabad. I was in the hunt for a decent broadband ISP.During my stay in HydRead more...
Tikona : Bad Customer Service
Reviewed Tikona WiBro
Apologies for posting a slightly longer post, but I had to vent out my frustration completely, so that people do not get cheated like me. I am residing at BaRead more...
: Bad Customer Service
Reviewed ABC Broadband
Avoid at All Costs
Reviewed Sunlite Packers and Movers
As I was relocating to Bangalore, so I had booked my household items at Sunlite Movers and Packers Hyderabad on 28th Dec 2013. Due to some unforseen circumstaRead more...
Good man in bad army
Reviewed Honda Unicorn 150 cc
Well the title says it all. It is a good product trapped in a uncanny set of distributors and service centres.I was looking for a 2 wheeler in >110 CC categoRead more...
Strictly for Sony fans :)
Reviewed Sony Cyber-Shot DSC-W100
I am not a professional photographer but I was always interested to buy a good cam which is worth enough to be used for atleast 5 yrs without any upgrades. IRead more...
Real Smart Phone !!
Reviewed Nokia E50
Almost 2 years back I was badly looking for a Smart phone of budget around 15K.So had round of my choice to Imate K Jam.One of my friend had it and I got a chRead more...
Worth for the buy
Reviewed Lenovo 3000 N100
Hi all, Well buying a laptop these days is very difficult .There are a lot of brands available in market today of both global and indian ones.I have been usiRead more...
Simply Avoid
Reviewed Sai Point Honda - Mumbai
I always wanted to write a good review for MSians as I have been regularly reading the reviews.But I never knew that my Maiden review will be so pessimistic oRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
Commented on own review
I am not sure how come Mr Vinod Sharma,the representative of Sunlite can rate a real time experience of one of his customer.? is it allowed in Mouthshut.com..?
Rated on anoop-davis's review
Commented on CancerGripper's review
I am not a Pulsar fan as I see the similar cons which you have mentioned. Genuine review.Keep it up.Keep updating your review after every 1000 Kms.
Rated on CancerGripper's review
@thunder1986: dude ! everybody know that Uni has front disc brakes.I am saying it should go for disc brakes for both rear and front.Guess you are clear. A product owner can review only about one’s own bike and not any ABC brand of others.So if at all you get bored of HONDA reviews then better sti Read More...
Commented on tapankeskar's review
good review.but should have compared it with its counterparts and not bikes.as bullets & bikes fall under 2 different categories.
Rated on mangesh_bachhav's review
Commented on mangesh_bachhav's review
From where did you copy & paste these details.All the above details can be found by a simple search in google.What is your experience with it? do you own this bike ?? or if ever did you ride this bike? then post at least a line about them not these crap which is found very easily
Commented on Ramchi's review
funniest part of the review ’’When you ride in this bike you are self-assured and your self-esteem gets engrossed’’.I have never seen anyone shedding 90K on a bike to be self assured and engross one’s self esteem.other wise its a good review
Rated on ranjandwivedi2010's review
Commented on saatwik's review
I have been reading reviews of bikes & electronic gadgets in MS since last 6 months.One thing I have observed especially in the bike segment is that almost 5/10 reviews are made by members either who don't own them or rookies.In both the cases you will always find people praising the product by loo Read More...
Rated on Naren.nz's review
Rated on nareshacharya's review
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