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Member Since:Mar 18, 2001
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A woman of many words and not afraid to say the bad ones, I'm a contrversy brewing by the minute. Dedicated to American Indian issues, Im not afraid to put on the boxing gloves and go a few rounds with any human rights violater. Im married and live in Fresno, California with my husband Joe and dog Gonzo and if the truth be known if either one knew how to use a can opener , I would be of no use! You can catch me here there and everywhere , Ill be the one with the boxing gloves on and a big smile on my face :). American Indian Rights, Human Right Violations, SETI, Yeti, Amnesty International, American Indian Movement .. Oh Yes.. I LOVE THE BEACH!
About Me
Education: A BUNCH OF IT!
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The Best of the Best
Reviewed Estee Lauder DayWear Protective Anti-Oxidant Lotion SPF 15
Daywear with SPF 15 offers all of what you need in a moisturizer. This product was recently reinvented to add even more benefits to an already perfect formulRead more...
Hurray For Mitchum
Reviewed Mitchum Anti-Perspirant & Deodorant
Mitchum Deodorant really works! Yes you really can skip a day!!! I love products that live up to their claims and this one does. Mitchum is available readiRead more...
Body Shop Banana Shampoo is for me !!!
Reviewed The Body Shop Banana Shampoo
The Body Shop has done it again and again, but one of my favorite products is the Banana Shampoo and Conditioner. This shampoo is fantastic. The scent is inRead more...
Nair: NO WAY !!!
Reviewed Nair Cream Hair Remover
Nair Cream Hair remover touts itself as being one of the oldest and most respected hair removeal products on the market today .. YIKES!!! NO WAY !!!! I havRead more...
Body Shop: Many Products, Many Options
Reviewed The Body Shop Unfragranced Lotion
I love options in my skin care.... The Body Shop offers many. Unfragranced Lotion caught my eye at a recent Body Shop shopping spree because for one ... manRead more...
Bvlgari Green Tea: Light and Wonderful
Reviewed Bvlgari Green Tea - Fragrance [Women]
I never mind spending a few extra dollars on products that are exceptional. Bvlgaris Green Tea is one of those exceptional products. Bvlgari is a very Read more...
Lipfinity: Revlon can keep it !
Reviewed Revlon Lip Makeup
I waited anxiously for the release of Lipfinity, the newest and supposedly the greatest lipstick ever made. For months I read about this wonder product and hRead more...
Las Vegas:Oasis in the Desert
Reviewed Nevada
Who does not want to go to Las Vegas? Families and Non Gamblers and thats about all. The people of Las Vegas , realizing this decided to make this city of nRead more...
Get Your Kicks On Route 66:Seligman,AZ
Reviewed Arizona
Route 66 was the Mecca for all travel from East to West but with the advent of the super highways Route 66 has died to remaining portions scattered all thoughRead more...
Oscar material?
Reviewed Boys Don't Cry
Boys dont Cry is a provocative movie dealing with a broad spectrum of issues. Boys dont Cry is based on a true story about the life and demise of Brandon TeeRead more...
Yosemite National Park
Reviewed California
Every year people from all over the world flock to see this monumental wonder of the world. Yosemite National Park is that and more. Soon , with the advent Read more...
Great Shoes from the ''Doc''
Reviewed Dr. Martens Footwear
My first mosh pit experience was in a pair of Doc Martens and since then the trend has continued. Although I have stepped out of the mosh pit and on to real Read more...
Lanvin has a winner in Oxygene
Reviewed Oxygene
Oxygene is the newest and lightest fragrance from the couture house of Lanvin. Oxygene is a lighter floral/citrus scent that smells clean and fresh. The botRead more...
This Cream does more than energizes , It Dries yo
Reviewed Clarins Energizing Morning Cream
Clarins over the years have developed into a large company over the last decade .. maybe to large. In the early days of Clarins it was a specialized skin carRead more...
Nite-A Mins:Origins has a hit!
Reviewed Origins Night-A-Mins
Origins has some of the most affordable and natural products available on the market today. One of the products I have found that really works is Nite A MinsRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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