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uttar pradesh
Member Since:Apr 18, 2004
0 MS Points
. As all fun-loving, daring people with never say''NO'' attitude i have plenty of intrests. 1. Cricket- Playing & watching. 2. PC games- especially greek mythology. 3. Chatting- online, neighbourhood anywhere! 4. F1- but not a Schumi fan. 5. EPL- can't live without. 6. Speed- fast bikes & cars & haven't had an accident! 7. Movies- every type, any langauge. 8. Mostly all indoor games- Chess my favorite. 9. Cue games- love em ALL!
About Me
Education: i was born intelligent - education ruined me.
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The man who did nothing…. But
Reviewed Vivian Richards
Ruling the cricketing world for several years & making all the cricketers his followers. He is a living legend who needs no introduction & this review is justRead more...
When you drink too much!
Reviewed Getting Over a Hangover
Though a hangover may look a uncanny mistake, but it is a more serious problem to have. Its no fun having a hangover. Most of the people know this but tRead more...
Ten Things to keep in mind.
Reviewed Tips on Buying Second Hand Motorcyles
Now a days selling second-hand vehicles is also growing into a industry. If you want to buy a second hand bike & avoid the pitfalls of the used motorbike markRead more...
No scope for improvement!
Reviewed Ten Best One Day Batsmen
We all love Cricket & the entertainment provided by some of the ?cricket geniuses?. All of us have witnessed many great players, But as they say ?Cricket is aRead more...
Tasmanian Devil set free.
Reviewed Ricky Ponting
He is one of a few about whom, one can write & write & write. I’ve seen Ricky play from my early days of watching Cricket & he has influenced me a lot, Read more...
5 min. 20 sec = Snooker 147. WHAT?
Reviewed Ronnie O'Sullivan
Summary Ronnie is, in the opinion of most pundits, the most naturally talented player the game has ever seen although some favour Alex Higgins or Jimmy WhiteRead more...
All about chasing the numbers.
Reviewed Pool
Now a days cue games are in fashion & have obsessed many Indians, with their demanding & strategic nature. One may frequently say that his/her fav. Game is PoRead more...
Love to hate him!!
Reviewed Shoaib Akhtar
As all Indians, cricket flows in my veins. Cricket is a religion for me since my young days. I have not limited my craze only to the Indian boundaries but I hRead more...
Reviewed Kaya Skin Clinic - Koramangala - Bangalore
Hello, SCAM IS RUNNING IN KAYA KORMANGALA CHANDRAKALLA AND HENIA are the part of it. Its my worst experience I had in Kaya Kormangala. While selling Read more...
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