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Member Since:Sep 30, 2007
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Education: MBA
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FRAUD Tata Docomo
Reviewed Tata Docomo Mobile Operator
Docomo has insulted and fooled it customers by introducing unlimited GPRS scheme and then immediately withdrawing in less than a week. They think customers caRead more...
FRAUDSTERS! - Net4Domains.com
Reviewed Net4India
Net4.in / net4domains.com - These people are No.1 fraudsters. Beware! These people changed my whois information fraudulently because I had taken rap of one ofRead more...
Concern Regarding My Experience at Sankara Nethra
Reviewed Sankara Nethralaya - Nungambakkam - Chennai
Dear Sir/Madam, I hope this message finds you well. I am writing to share my deeply concerning experience at Sankara Nethralaya, Nungambakkam, Chennai, whichRead more...
Commented on king_kong's review
you can write to the management of tata docomo reg your complaint. blast these idiots, only then your problem will be solved... md - anil.sardana@tatatel.co.in president - deepak.gulati@tatadocomo.com mkg head - gurindersingh.sandhu@tatadocomo.com
Commented on dsraghavendra's review
Commented on mailviveck's review
Commented on deepspeed's review
Commented on prakhar_sahay's review
Commented on killer53's review
Commented on mmbaskr's review
Commented on shblr92's review
Commented on chachh's review
you can write to the management of tata docomo reg your complaint. blast these idiots, only then your problem will be solved... md - anil.sardana@tatatel.co.in president - deepak.gulati@tatadocomo.com mkg head -gurindersingh.sandhu@tatadocomo.com
Commented on bsnt1's review
Commented on ramhr's review
Commented on mahra17's review
Commented on jitaditya06's review
Commented on fazal_99_99's review
Commented on phaniprasad's review
Commented on anshuseth's review
Commented on rakeshschoudhary's review
Commented on naveenlc's review
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