1. How do I find information about a product or service I am looking for?
Type the name of your desired product/brand in the search bar or click on the 'categories' option on the bottom navigation bar.
2. What is Fake? Why does a review have a ‘Fake Stamp’?
If your review does not appear to be a genuine expression of your opinion of the product reviewed, our system will look at it with suspicion and a Fake stamp will be marked on it. Some examples of the Fake Reviews are -
• Company write-ups pretending to be reviews and praising their own brand.
• Competitor write-ups which trash all competing brands.
• Plagiarized reviews.
3. I see a few reviews stamped with ‘Issue Resolved’. Could you please explain what it is?
We all know that is all about consumers writing reviews. Now we also have companies and brand managers signing up. These companies are authorized by to resolve issues raised by members in their reviews. Once a company authorized by resolves the issue raised by you in your review, an Issue Resolved stamp is assigned to it.
4. I see a few reviews stamped with Brand Response. Could you please explain what it is?
Once a company authorized by gives response to your review, a Brand Response stamp is assigned to it. If the user is satisfied with the corporate response then this stamp will be converted into "Issue Resolved".
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