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Member Since:Oct 10, 2003
0 MS Points
I am fortunate to be in a profession where I can serve others and get paid for it! Nursing is very rewarding to me even after a hard day when things don't go well. I also love photography and enjoy the opportunity to stretch my writing talents here talking about whatever strikes my fancy. I usually reveal something more about myself in each piece I write, and I really appreciate the comments of others when something I have written is found useful to them as well as the constructive criticism from those who leave it. Learning about God and telling others about Him and His Son, helping people, my wife and children, photography, writing, music, computers, soccer, football, the Olympics, life!!
About Me
Education: BAAS, ADRN
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A Gift that keeps on Giving
Reviewed Choosing Gifts for Children Between 11 - 15 Years
Here is a gift that I have given to my daughters which has brought much joy to the entire family and continues to give after we are done. It is a poster thatRead more...
Wichita Falls: It's the People
Reviewed Texas
Im from Wichita Falls, Texas, and it is difficult to look objectively at your hometown. I have often said, however, that it has to be the people you meeRead more...
Just what are FStops and Shutter Speeds?
Reviewed General Tips on Cameras
Photography has been a passion of mine, and still is. Ive been shooting for around 3 decades. I own over $4000 worth of Nikon photographic equipment, anRead more...
Nikon Coolpix 990 - High Quality Imaging
Reviewed Nikon Coolpix 990
Title : Nikon Coolpix 990 - High Quality Imaging Review : I have had this camera for almost 7000 shots, and have loved every minute of it. It has a lot of hiRead more...
JrKG Interaction of my Kid with Admission Panel
Reviewed Akshara International School - Wakad - Pune
Akshara International School is not that premium nor Low. Deserves 2 stars below average only due to Infrastructure however it lacked Human Values and compleRead more...
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...until you get to see The Return Of The King!!!!
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Commented on rosea's review
I am sorry you had a bad experience with Paypal. This review details an unfortunate set of circumstances. But I like Paypal for what it is, an avenue to conduct e-business. You just have to treat it like a REAL bank account. You wouldn't want your bank to make it easy for someone to pretend to b Read More...
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