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Member Since:Jul 02, 2004
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Education: MCA
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Never Visit to Manipal Hospital Bangalore
Reviewed Manipal Hospital - Kodihalli - Bangalore
2 days back my brother met with a small accident and has been admitted to Manipal hospital Bangalore(AirPort Road) . It was a minor injury and I’ve made big mRead more...
Really bad school
Reviewed Elpro International School - Pune
Our experience with Elpro International School has been nothing short of disappointing. The teachers display extremely rude and unprofessional behavior, whichRead more...
Commented on rchidana's review
I've never seen anyone saying good abt manipal service. Good to see few of them here. They are finding difficult time to convince ppl here.. ( see they have responded to most of the reviews). The service is really bad. They are only money pullers nothing else. There is no match between their charg Read More...
Commented on girish.kr.gupta's review
deleted deleted delete ddeleted deleted deleted deleted deleted deleted deleted deleted
Commented on smile12345's review
I wonder.. Y u didnt take this to media. or file a police complaint... Writing a review in MS doesn't make any difference. I feel these kind of doctors should be punished
Commented on coolmanrishi's review
c’mon yaar.. I am using nokia phones from past 5 years... Dont know about service but Nokia phones are not that much bad. Instead of going to Service center you can try hard format yourself.. and its very easy. It will resolve 90% software problems. After hard format your phone acts like new phone. Read More...
Commented on kavitha__kavitha's review
Wonna hope u r from marketing department of Manipal. Manipal hospital sucks all areas.. plz read all other reviews
Commented on cut-the-crap's review
Manipal Hospital sucks in all areas. We should shed lot of money for hell of theire service. Better to avoid
Rated on cut-the-crap's review
Commented on asheetm's review
Hey I do have this camera and i am happy with that. If formatting the card doesnt help, buy a new one with faster speeds...... I didnt face any difficulty to find charger and batteries... Any NI-MH batteries will do.... I have purchaged Everyday batteries(2100 mAH) with charger...Its working for Read More...
Commented on dipanjanbiswas's review
Hi I wont agree with head phones Issue.. 2 types of head phones will be provided with this , one is direct and another one is having facility to connect with normal walkman head phones.. If u r able to shed around 300 bucks... u can get very good head phone..
Commented on pritamshetty's review
Hell of stories about Manipal and Dr Shobharani.. Its better to take this to Media like NDTV... Can any one do it??
Commented on sri747's review
This is really bad part of Manipal They will squeeze the patients as much as they can
Commented on santhoshrv's review
Wonna hope you r not a mrkting guy from manipal. I really had bad experience. if possible plz read my review
Commented on victorywhity's review
Hey Grt review man.. Its really interesting. Last month i supposed to buy Zenith laptop but last minute i have opted for DELL Inspiron 1501. Now i m really happy about my decision. I haven't received Dell Laptop yet, but defenitely i wont face this kind of problems
Commented on sandeep_acharya's review
Hey its better not to have built in BlueTooth option.. The radio waves may effect to the childrens and ppl having thyroid problems. Any how if u serious about that get one usb blue tooth.. it costs u just 350 bucks
Commented on guruprasadcp's review
Lot of fellows facing cold start problem..( Including me). Putting choke on will solve this problem. Try this.. bike will start with one kick... enjoy... cnu
Commented on rahul.hegde's review
Hey punith... I m proud owner of unicorn for more than one year Battery thats comes with uni doesnt work with too horns for long time. U r battery may get corrupted. So use one horn or replace better battery.. rgds cnu
Commented on sujosom's review
U didn’t mention what kind batteries u r using for this camera. Normal batteries will be drained out very fast. I will suggest u to buy Sanyo rechargeable Ni-MH 2500 maph batteries, It will stay for more than 200 snaps. Yes.. flash recovery is slow for this camera. Flash is required ind Read More...
Commented on k.b.h's review
U can spend 100 bucks to replace the better horn... cnu
Commented on badamvenki's review
Hi venky. I am having Nikon coolpix l1 . All these new cameras having the same problem. We can’t get expected results in indoor lighting because of poor flash. Its may be they want to increase battery life. When we use d-lighting feature, camera will store original picture also. Try to Read More...
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